ICD-10 Education & Resources for Providers

ACEP Now Article: ICD-10 Coding Tips to Help Emergency Physicians Navigate Documentation Changes

This article from June 15, 2015 presents two experts’ guidance on ICD-10 and answers the following questions:

  • How will this impact how I document?
  • Why is severity of illness (SOI) important and how and why should I document it?
  • How do I document in ICD-10-CM for a patient with trauma and injuries?

ACEP ICD-10 Frequently Asked Questions

ACEP provides a comprehensive list of frequently asked ICD-10 questions and their answers, including:

  • What is ICD-10-CM?
  • Why do we need ICD-10-CM?
  • How are ICD-9 and ICD-10 different?

The document also includes information about how the code set is organized and examples of ICD-9-CM codes frequently used in Emergency Medicine and approximate ICD-10-CM equivalents.

Other Relevant ACEP Article Links

Local and State Resources

Talk to your respective health systems and hospitals to understand what updates will be made within the documentation system and what types of training they are offering. Also, inquire with state medical and hospital associations, payers, local chapters of professional organizations, and ICD-10 specific networking groups/collaboratives.

We received updates from a few hospitals and their responses are below. If you don’t see your state or hospital listed, we suggest contacting your facility directly to understand their plans for the ICD-10 transition and available provider resources and training.


  • The Banner Health System offers free general and specialty specific (including emergency department) training modules on their web site. The site also offers information and status updates on Banner’s internal end to end testing.


  • The Idaho ICD-10 Collaborative is a grass roots network comprised of several partner groups including providers, payers and health care associations. The site hosts work groups for Communication, Education and Testing, and has a comprehensive list of resources and calendar events.


  • Methodist Healthcare is diligently preparing for ICD-10 including physician education and enhanced templates for compliant clinical documentation. During the months of July through September, Methodist will complete final preparations for ICD-10 with specialty specific education and communications for providers, patient problem list enhancements, and documentation template updates and education. For questions or more information, contact your Methodist facility Chief Executive Officer. Gather more information, by visiting https://practicemax.com/
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